Resources for Comprehension


  • Guided Reading - Conventional Literacy 🆓🇱🇷

    Text comprehension is a complex activity that presents challenges to learners of all types, but it can be overwhelming for students with significant cognitive disabilities. It is critical that we teach students how to comprehend text whether they are reading independently or listening. We can't just test comprehension; we must teach it! Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium shares the Anchor-Read-Apply instructional approach that supports students in learning how to activate background knowledge based on prior experience or build new background knowledge that they can connect to information contained in or related to the text.

  • Guided Reading Resources - Jane Farrall 🆓🇦🇺

    A collection of guided reading resources put together by Jane Farrall

  • Free KWL Resources 🆓🇱🇷

    A collection of free resources based on KWL - what I already KNOW, what I want WONDER and what I’ve LEARNED relating to reading comprehension activities.

  • Reading Comprehension and AAC - Karen Erickson 🆓🇱🇷

    A paper by Karen Erickson all about aspects of reading comprehension skills and AAC users.